For those who always wanted to have a “hybrid” camera working with films or in digital mode.
In 2018, Samuel Mello Medeiros, together with his partner Filippo Nishino, founded “I’m Back GmbH” company based in Lugano, Switzerland. In 2018 they won an award together with Panasonic and Fujifilm at the Photokina fair in Cologne – Germany from the Cinema 5D blog and took second place in Switzerland for best Startup of the year. They will receive criticism from all over the world because they come out of the usual, but they have not given up and have gone ahead because they believe that it is the right path and with this came compliments also from great names in photography and the photographic industry. The rest is history …
I’m Back® 35. So seductive that causes envy.
Shot with: Zenith 122 and Helios 58mm f2,0 M6 and I’m Back® for 35mm | Ciel Rouge is a music duo produced by Michele Oliva | Directed by Gaetano Acunzo | First Assistant: Rossella Silvestri | Model: Pia Francesca Caso
I’m Back® 35. Take off that roll of and come to me.
For those who think you can only use it on instagram. 😁
Try it! And, whenever you want, you can pull-off the back, put a roll of photographic films of your choice and shoot analogue photos like in the 1950s! I’m Back® joins the best of both worlds, analog and digital!
Mamiya RB 67
Pentax 6X7
Mamiya RZ67
Graflex systems
Hasselblad Series 500 C series
Bronica S, Kiev 88, Mamiya C330 series, Rolleiflex Automat, Bronica SQ A – B, Rolleiflex 6000 series, Rolleiflex model E – F, Yashica MAT 124 series
Bronica Etrs
Mamiya 645
Pentax 645
Mamiya 645 PRO TL
I’m Back, the company behind the popular Digital Back for old 35mm SLRs, is… well… back. And this time they’re funding an affordable digital back that seeks to breathe new life into old medium format cameras from Hasselblad, Bronica, Pentax, Mamiya and more. Petapixel.
Swiss company I’m Back has returned to Kickstarter with another digital back product, this one following the previous models it sought crowdfunding for in 2016, 2017 and 2018. The new I’m Back 35 will be, according to the company, the only digital back product that can be paired with ‘almost all the most famous analog cameras.’
…Ricordo uno dei banchetti con una grande calca attorno, atipico perché non popolato di occhi a mandorla, con un particolare progetto: un dorso digitale per trasformare le vecchie macchine fotografiche analogiche a pellicola in fotocamere digitali. Avevo provato a scambiare qualche parola coi responsabili, ma la calca era davvero molta, anche perché c’era in visita a curiosare qualche personaggio importante di uno degli storici marchi tedeschi (Leica)…
デジタル全盛の時代になっても、手に馴染んだ銀塩フィルムカメラでの写真撮影は楽しい。デジタルの利便性とフィルムカメラの楽しさを融合させる手段として、銀塩カメラをデジタル化できるデバイス「I’m Back」を以前取り上げた。
今回は、そのI’m Backから進化した後継モデル「I’m Back 35」を紹介しよう。現在クラウドファンディングサービス「Kickstarter」で支援募集中。
O aparelho criado pelo sorocabano pode ser acoplado em máquinas fotográficas de várias marcas e modelos. Quem tem várias dessas na casa, pode adquirir apenas um equipamento e ir alternando o uso. No entanto, o objetivo de Samuel é já ter o aparelho pronto para entregar às pessoas. Para isso ele busca apoio financeiro e iniciou um crowdfunding (financiamento coletivo)…
A case ” I’m Back ” promete transformar suas câmeras analógicas em um modelo digital, de forma prática. O projeto desenvolvido pelo paulista Samuel Medeiros é ideal para quem tem câmeras antigas, com boas lentes ou com valor sentimental, mas gostaria de dar um toque digital no equipamento, com display para ver as fotos e fazer ajustes.
…le immagini conservano la stessa “grana” di un tempo, trasmettendo davvero la sensazione di avere a che fare con fotografie impresse e stampate alla vecchia maniera: calore e colore dell’immagine ci riportano indietro negli anni.
現在的DSLR透過轉接環可以接上傳統單眼相機的鏡頭,也讓許多老鏡頭因此再度有了新的生命。不過,其實以前有更多的老相機拍攝功力也是一把罩,只是在數位化的趨勢之下,用膠卷拍照的人越來越少,老相機也被冷落在一旁。有沒有什麼方法,讓老相機也能擁有數位新生命呢?一位名為Samuel Mello Medeiros 的開發者,就利用樹莓派設計了一個DSLR的模組,正確來說,是將傳統類比相機轉換為數位相機的模組,將傳統相機帶入數位化時代。
Las cámaras antiguas tienen algo especial. El año pasado hablábamos de I’m Back, un proyecto que permite recuperar nuestras cámaras analogícas y darles una segunda vida al poder tomar fotografías digitales con ellas gracias a este adaptador. Esta semana se ha presentado la nueva versión, I’m Back – Advance. Presentado en forma de kit de construcción en donde incorporando una Raspberry Pi y un poco de bricolaje podemos obrar el milagro. 🙂
Grazie al dorso digitale I’m Back con integrato un Raspberry Pi si possono riportare in vita le macchine fotografiche ormai lasciate a prendere polvere nel cassetto. Ecco la geniale idea di un inventore italo-brasiliano.
It’s a truly remarkable project that bridges the gap between two different technological ages, and even takes very nice photos as well.
By allowing users to take photos with their old DSLR cameras and giving them the opportunity to also take advantage of digital technologies, this Raspberry Pi DSLR case offers the best of both worlds to discerning photographers.
I’m Back. We continued where the others left off.