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Photokina 2018. Thank you Jesko V. Oeynhausen product Manager of Leica M-System the optical engineer Dr. Peter Karbe for a I’m Back meeting. Amazing!!!

leica m2 (1957) Elmar 5cm f2 + I'm Back35 - Booth Leica photokina 2018

Peter Karbe, Samuel Mello Medeiros, Jesko V.

I’m Back® - Photokina 2018 "Reviving the Past"

“Certainly not a professional device (yet), but a really fun and relatively inexpensive way to revive your old 35mm cameras that might not get much use otherwise in those days of digital photo and video.”

They deserve the award for “Reviving the Past” because of a fun and unconventional approach, and we look forward to photos and videos from the device, as well as future versions that might deliver higher quality video (and photos).

by Nino LeitnerCine D

Photokina 2018. Cinema 5d awarded us together with Panasonic and Fujifilm!

The unexpected happened: our project has been awarded by Cinema 5D together with Fujifilm and Panasonic.

After so much work we are truly grateful to Boldbrain Startup Challenge and everyone who believe in this project.

Step by step the dream is becoming true and we want to challenge YOU to believe in your idea and put all your passion into it!
Try, fail, get up and try again, the real prize is the experience and to learn from everything even the bad things (most of all from it!!)
If you get a “NO” don’t stop! Improve your project, find people to get along with you in this path and NEVER surrender!!

Want to participate in this project? Visit our indiegogo page and support us!

I’m Back. We continued where the others left off.

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